little lamb takes on Technology!

Hi friends,

What a day! I woke up ready to send a 2,000 recipient email alert about my Kickstarter campaign through GMAIL. PSA: GMAIL does not allow such mass amounts of emails to be sent!

The rest of the morning was spent trouble shooting different methods of mass emailing (cringe, I know). Long story short, I ended up subscribing to Constant Contact - an email marketing database - for the month. It's already been LOADS easier to work with and actually gives me tons more flexibility and options in my email layout. 

So what I lost in planning (emails now set to be sent for Monday!), I more than made up for in discovery of new, easier, better email technology. Everything happens for a reason, I tell you!

This evening I had a bit of a lightbulb moment and made a flyer with a custom QR code (see below) that links directly to the little lamb kickstarter page. I am going to hang the flyers inside local small businesses and at my ceramic studio. People will scan the code through their phone camera and be directed right to the site. Technology for the win! I'm excited to get the flyers printed and up in windows this weekend.

End of day today we're at 53% of the goal with 29 backers. Pretty good for 36 hours and a gi-normous technical glitch! 

Have a good weekend ya'll :-)

ryan jean + poppy


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